QAL/QAC Exam Prep Study Group: 6-week Course, November 4 -December 9, 2024
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QAL/QAC Exam Prep Study Group: 6-week Course, November 4 -December 9, 2024
Having trouble passing California’s QAL or QAC pesticide applicator exams? This online study group will focus on the key topics that you need to know to pass.
We’ll meet on six consecutive Mondays starting on November 4. Our final session will be on Monday, December 9. Because Monday November 11 is a holiday, that session will be held on Tuesday November 12. Sessions will be held on ZOOM from 8-9:30 am.
This study group will prepare you to take the following tests: 1) the QAL or QAC Laws and Regulations 2) Landscape Maintenance and 3) Right of Way.
Guaranteed to keep you on track with your exam prep! Expect some homework!!!
Limited to 10 people